Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just more crazies on the interwebs

I found this on the comments on a story on Foxnews about the quake in Baja:



Clearly, this is one more sign of Jesus' return. The end is near, the lord has risen, and most dumbocrat fools will try to explain this away as some sort of "tectonic activity". See what happens when you elect an Islamic anti-christ to be your leader. It happened in New Orleans to wash the gays from the streets, and in Haiti to purge their devil worshippers from the ranks. Now it is happening in the state of caliFORNICATION! But no, it's just the earth's plates moving away from each other at the rate of a growing fingernail the non-believers will say. Prove it, I say. The earth is 6,137 years old. At 2.2 inches per year, Africa did not seperate from South America a distance of 3,897 miles! This is god's final warning to the immoral degradation of his chosen land the U.S.A. (In GOD we trust! One nation under GOD). Progressivism has destroyed all that God's word once stood for, now the liberals will pay the price for supporting Allah Obama's (false gawd's) communistic health care "reform" the passage of which sickens lord Jesus! Soon the rapture and only the righteous will be spared! AMEN!!!"

Wow...just wow....I've meet all sorts of crazies in my life, but wow...just wow

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I think I have to support Obama now...CRAP

So I went to this article I found on

Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed'. found here: Now those who know me know that I don't support Obama. I am a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian (less spending on all levels and do what ever you want, so long as its behind your front door) and I think both parties are just groups out for their own power and not for the benefit of their supporters. I get a lot of flak on campus for being a Glenn Beck support and a Reagenite but I am neither but I'll take the ignorance of the right or the left with a shrug...goes with being a social libertarian. 

Now the article quoted typical Obamaese and the disgust of the Right so I giggled until I read this comment from "Liberalsodomy" (note the following post has strong NSFW language; the spaces I assume are to stop the Washington Post comment filter).

"barry X, the abandoned b a s t a r d of an illicit union between a deranged, teen aged, communist w h o r e and malcolm X, has his instructions from london to permanently destroy America and her economy via debt, euthanize the greatest generation, demoralize her military via homosexuality and exhaust it in a wild goose chase in the "graveyard of empires", and disarm it via fiat. He does hate America, especially White America, and does love his works of treason and destruction. It is through this that all his actions may be understood.
I hope the military honors their oaths, steps up and eliminates this a s s h o l e. This son of a w h o r e is the walking definition of a "domestic enemy" and we won't sit still anymore for his treason.
NEVER EVER forget the mainstream media that conspired to foist this muslim nation wrecking b a s t a r d on America is responsible. They intentionally sold us this traitor.
The democratic soviet is comprised of 22% of the population (blacks, jews, queers, transgenders, communists, and abortionists) An amalgam of misfits tied together by nothing more than malevolent envy and hate for Natural Law.
This man is actively destroying an America he was raised to hate, is supported by communists in the media and must be neutralized for the good of all.
It should be considered that he is a communist or muslim plant groomed to destroy America from within."

WTF? Seriously? Is this the view of Tea Partiers? IS this the view of more that .00000001% of Americans? If this is even close to true I can understand why my liberal colleagues and superiors HATE the Right.

After reading that toxic waste, I threw up a little in my mouth. I hope the election cycle this year is not filled with this crap. However with radio talk show hosts, including ones here in Logan, Utah urging us to violate federal law and not fill out the Census Form I don't think this is going to happen.

On a lighter note I found this hysterical: