Saturday, August 23, 2008

My first foray

This is my first foray in the wilds known as the blogosphere but like the Iranian space program my motto is "I may not have been first, second, third or by Allah even forty seventh but I'm here now so show some respect!"

So a little about me: I am a father, husband, loco, computer gamer, football lover, role player and a history buff. THere is more toit than that but that's where it begins. I am finishing my 2nd BS in history and should be starting post grad work come next August at USU. I tend to be a little anal about history and cultural studies which doesn't jive with my conservative nature.

Speaking of that I am a conservative born of a liberal mother. What that means is I will speak my views no matter how unpopular or uninformed they are...I will be posting on the election, Obama, McCain and a bunch of other topics.

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