Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school

So for the past months people have told me how hard grad school is, how much work I'll be doing and how much reading I'll be doing, yada yada yada....

Today starts out with me in my GA class USU 1300: American Institutions. It was easy and I was feeling good. Last Thursday and Friday I had orientation and seminars. Between the three events I was excited and ready to start. I thought this will be easy.

Then I hit my first grad class History 6700 Folklore. HOLY CRAP! I think I have to read between 30 and 40 texts and write massively! And that's only one class. I still have two more to do.

I don't think I can ninja kick this one to the head. . .


Meegan Alfred said...

You can do it...

MR. Alfred said...

On an additional note adding two more classes and the quest to come up with an approved thesis propsal is making me crazy