Saturday, September 5, 2009

Political discourse and the decline of civility

For those who do not know I am a social and political conservative. With that disclaimer out for the world to see also let it be noted that I am disgusted with the so-called “conservative” party the Republicans. Yes I am a member of this party, which might change when I register to vote here in Cache County, and I am ashamed to be so. I am especially ashamed at the lack of morals and obvious politicking of social issues that the Republicans have done since Bush 41. Even worse is the ignoring of conservative economic principles such as the increase in federal spending, NCLB, and TARP/Stimulus bills of the past eight years.

Yes I voted for W two times, I often wonder why, and am glad I wrote in another candidate than McCain in 08. I did not, and do not support Obama however. I think he is the worst possible thing America could have at this critical junction. One thing I do think Obama has going for him is that he did win the 2008 election and until 2012 HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF ALL AMERICANS.

I’ll calm down now but it frustrates me that talk radio and conservatives who blasted liberals for saying that Bush was not “their” president are now engaged in the same behavior. There is no more political discourse; instead there is a child-like ignoring of that which a person doesn’t like.

Case in point is the Obama speech to school children starting September 8, 2009. I remember a time when people celebrated a president talking to the public. Instead, he his demonized for trying to brainwash children. I do think this is his plan, remember I think he is bad for the country but that’s another blog post, but when did we as Americans fail? When did we stop being parents to our children and allow the public sector to shape our children’s’ minds?

Political discourse and peaceful disagreement is part of our American heritage. We are not some kind of banana republic that has coups every few years. No, we allow the rule of law and civil discourse rule us. If we don’t like the way people are acting we vote them out (see 2008 and I’m willing to bet 2010). Be not allowing our children to see that there is another side and to teach them to use their brains to overcome it we are as bad as any communist regime or Terror committee.

I for one will be allowing my children to watch Obama and I will also watch his speech on I will also discuss the issues he brings up with my children and listen to their views. And if they do disagree with me I will still love them. Heaven forbid they have different political views than me and think for themselves.

Its time for us to be Americans and allow for free speech and allow ALL voices to be heard, even this knucklehead we elected into office. If he is as bad as we all think he is lets let him self-destruct and get him out in’12.

1 comment:

Craig Hayden said...

Amen. I tend to be a left-leaning progressive, but I'm also an American that respects the role of speech and debate in our society. Not chest-thumping, ideological tribalism that currently passes for debate. I respect your position, and wish more people were as faithful in the American system as you are (on both sides of the ideological spectrum).